10 principles about sharing your work

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About Author#

Austin Kleon 是一个畅销书作家,在成为畅销书作家之前,他也是一个 Blogger,非常善于利用社交媒体来提升自己的影响力。 Austin Kleon 的博客地址:https://austinkleon.com/

这是一本有关 self-promotion 和 creativity 的书。

For artists, the great problem to solve is how to get onself noticed. - Honore de Balzac 法国作家,巴尔扎克

在我的读书笔记 7 things learned from "The Tools of Titans" 中,Marc Andreessen 提到了如何扩大自己的影响力:Be so good they can't ignore you。但是,必须承认的是,多数的我们是普通的,智力一般,能力一般。所以 Scott Adams 认为:如果你没有办法在一个领域成为最优秀的人,那就在两个领域成为那优秀的 25%。而这本书的作者,也持有类似的观点。

他在 “Show Your Work” 这本书中提到了十条有关 self-promotion 的原则:


  1. You don't have to be a genius

这句话的意思就是:要坦然接受自己的平庸。有关于天才的来源,作者认为一种是“lonely genius”:他们天资聪慧,极富才能,比如爱因斯坦、毕加索。另一种则是 “scenius”:认为创新来自一群伟大或平庸的人。

Under this model, great ideas are often birthed by a group of creative individuals.


Being a valuable part of a scenius is not necessarily about how smart or talented you are, but about what you have to contribute - the ideas you share, the quality of the connections you make, and the conversations you start.


  • Get your hands dirty
  • 成为一个终生学习者,按照作者的话说,把自己变成一个“业余者”。不要害怕在公众面前犯错,也不要害怕公众发现你不是一个专业者。
  • 成为 top 25%。

The best way to get started on the path to sharing your work is to think about what you want to learn, and make a commmitment to learning it in front of others. Find a scenius, pay attention to what others are sharing, and then start taking note of what they're not sharing.



  1. Think process, not product


To you, and you alone, what matters is the process: the experience of shaping the artwork.


记录自己的生活过程。但是,我们的生活毕竟是单调且无趣的,不像是宇航员那样,会让很很多人有兴趣。所以作者说,如果你觉得你的生活没有什么可以分享的,那就 记录自己的工作过程。可以描述你工作时的 feeling,工作时的想法,你在进行的工作。

Don't show your lunch or your latte; show your work.

  1. Share something small everyday


Whether you share it or not, documenting and recording your process as you go along has its own rewards: You'll start to see the work you're doing more clearly and feel like you're making progress.

  1. Open up your cabinet of curiosities


  1. Tell good stories

  2. Teach what you know


The minute you learn something, turn around and teach it to others. Share your reading list. Point to helpful reference materials. Create some tutorials and post them online. Use pictures, words, and video.


  1. Don't turn into human spam


If you want fans, you have to be a fan first.


  • 不要浪费时间去阅读那些如何获得粉丝增长的文章
  • 不要浪费时间去关注别人,以获得别人的回关
  • 不要浪费时间跟你不想交流的人交流,不要交流那些你不感兴趣的东西


  • 成为一个有趣的人

If you want to be interesting, you have to be interested

  • 给你的粉丝带来价值(做自己擅长的事情,粉丝自然会关注到)
  1. Learn to take a punch

作者用击拳(Take a punch)来比喻如何面对不友善的人。不要跟不善的人争论,适当地屏蔽他们,接受批评意见,但是不要太过敏感。相信自己的价值所在,不要凝望深渊;当你凝望深渊的时候,深渊也在凝望着你。

  1. Sell out

尝试寻找赞助。利用你的分享、成果来赚钱并不可耻。若现在还不是一个值得寻找赞助、众筹或出售服务的时候,可以收集 email 来保持联系。作者认为,不同 RSS 和社交媒体,每个人都有邮件,而且邮件的曝光率其实会更高。

作者也认为,不要过度关心 sellout。重要的还是给大家带来价值,做自己想做的事情,而不是沉浸在赚更多的钱。

Be ambitious. Keep yourself busy. Think bigger. Expand you audience.


  1. Stick Around


Reach out to me if you would like a copy of "Share your work"。